Complete LED window display kit at less than cost price
Our complete LED window display kits are the cost-effective way to create a stunning LED window display at a fraction of the usual cost. Our kits are now available AT LESS THAN COST price – but stocks are strictly limited. Choosing a complete means
- NO SPECIALIST INSTALLATION REQD. Saving you time and even more money
- NO SPECIALIST ELECECTRICAL INSTALLATION – simply plug into the nearest power socket
Creating your LED window display could not be easier. Simply position the frame in the window – the system is weighted at the base for increased stability & vacuum cups offer further support and are adjustable between the frame + window. Plug into the nearest power source + add the magentised LED light pockets to the frame. And that’s it! You’ll see your window display light up with a bright but subtle low-energy LED light. Updating photos and images take seconds.
LED window Display Kit1020
The KIT1020 includes everything you need for a complete HASSLE FREE NO INSTSALLATION NECESSARY window display
- 1x stunning silver chromed window frame (LDSW05) 2500mm high x 1020mm wide. WAS £212
- 2x triple A4 landscape LED light frame pocket (LDSW-3A4L) WAS £425
- 2x double A3 landscape LED light frame pocket (LDSW-2A3L) WAS £460
- FREE Transformer
- FREE Delivery
WAS £1097. NOW ONLY £397.50 SAVE 64%
Why not future proof your LED window display & add more LED light pockets to your order? You can use triple A4L (LDSW-3A4L) & double A3L (LDSW-2A3L) frames.
Installation Free LED Window Display at less than cost price
LEDMAG offers Italian designed and manufactured display excellence at unbeatable value. Save 64% on this kit & pay nothing for installation as this kit required no specialist installation or electrical configuration. This is the perfect low cost choice for
- Estate agents & property professionals
- QSRs & Food-to-go restaurants
- Travel, Recruitment & other agency organisation
- Hair & Beauty Salons
Stocks are strictly limited. Order today online or call the sales hotline on 0121 580 3080
(photo for illustration only)