Description A few drops of essential oil could be all you need to transform your car into a calm oasis and make your time behind the wheel more about the journey, not just the destination. These ingenious little designs simply click onto your car air vent, making getting to work and leaving work a pleasure! Enhance your trip with this unique aromatherapy diffuser. You can select your favourite essential oils or blends and experience the positive health benefits they provide while driving. Aromatherapy oils need not be limited to home or a spa. This ancient art can also be used to have a happier, healthier and safer driving experience. Check out our collection of Car Blend essential oils: Traffic Jam, Traffic Ease and Focus Drive. Symbolism The Tree of Life The tree of life resonates deep for much of humanity, being a motif in various world theologies, mythologies, philosophies and biological sciences. Whichever way you sway, it is an awesome tree. Achieving eternal life by consuming the fruit, holding together nine Norse worlds or representing the evolutionary divergence of all living creatures is all pretty grand. But how about this: The Celtic Tree of life symbolises the forces of nature are coming together in perfect harmony to maintain balance in the universe. Specifications The designer locket contains a felt pad which can hold a few drops of oil. The locket is made of high- quality stainless steel and is supplied with 10 washable absorbent and reusable felt pads in a variety of colours. Choose your own aroma to suit your mood/moment/state of mind. Includes: 10 colour fragrance felt pads. Size: 30mm Story Ancient Wisdom is a distributor of thousands of ethically sound products from all over the world, including the UK. We like Ancient Wisdom. While they do not have a slew of badges and accreditations what they do have is a solid ethos of fair, reasonable and practical across everything they do. Read More…